What we saw at Scene 2.
Ex 1- Red- Headed victim with slit neck, lying on her back. In this case it is Ginger the bartender.
Ex 2- Two spots of blood, typed as 0-, matches Ginger and Candi.
Ex 2- Two spots of blood, typed as 0-, matches Ginger and Candi.
Ex 3a- Tented arches finger print. Is Candi's
Ex4/5 - Dark red lip stick on the outside and inside of a plastic cup that is almost empty/ A clear plastic cup that has lipstick on the inside and outside at the top of it. It has blue liquid at the bottom that is negative for any poison test.

Ex 6- A white cotton fiber.
Ex 7/7a- Ginger snaps ripped up letter writes "please help me!"/ Candi Stores letter reads" I needed the money"
Ex 8 - A thick long black fiber.

Ex 9- A gold Chain, clasped and not broken. Looks like fake gold.
Ex 10- A single Plain whorl loop fingerprint.
Ex 11- A lifted finger print a left thumb.it was an Ulnar loop.
* In Monk's voice* Here’s what happened....
Sooooo... This all took place in a Bar/ Strip Club. It was late night and only Candi and Ginger was there. They had to resolve some unfinished business concerning money so Candi could pay for her drugs. Ginger fixed a blue cocktail and gave it to Candi. Ginger was in debt to Candi and to pay it back to her she gave Candi the chain. Candi became enraged because she saw it was not real gold. She leaped at Ginger and they begin to brawl. That explains the black fiber found it was from one of their clothing. Earlier that day Ginger has left a note behind the bar because she knew that later that day something bad might happen. Candi slit her throat with some unknown object and as she fled, a note from her pocket fell out.
You seem to have the major points for the crime scene. It may help the reader by explaining how you were able to identify each exhibit. The last sentence of the story doesn't make any sense, "... and she fled a note from her pocket fell out."
ReplyDeleteCheck your grammar. Pictures would also help to visualize the clues.